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It might seem odd coming from a bridal shop – but sustainability is at the heart of what we do when it comes to our tuxedo and suit rentals.

Think about it: just like ride sharing in a car, when you choose to rent a suit for that special occasion instead of buying, you are helping to spread the resources that went into making that suit over a larger footprint of users and minimizing its impact on our environment.

Instead of many people buying many suits that, let’s be honest, will just hang in a closet most of the time – one suit is shared many times by many different individuals, reducing the impact that the textile industry has on our world. That’s the sort of small action you can take locally, that makes a big impact globally.

Every business has a responsibility to take actions, no matter how small, to protect our environment. By shopping locally, and renting instead of buying, you are helping us to keep our commitments to sustainability, and we thank you!

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We will be closed this coming weekend as we welcome in summer and celebrate Memorial Day with our family. It's a nice break after a very busy prom season and gives us a chance to get some needed projects done around the shop. We hope this isn't an inconvenience for any of our customers, and we will be open on Tuesday of next week for returns.

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Last weekend marked the end of another hectic, but wonderful, PROM season for us. For Tammy it's her thirteenth time in the trenches, but it's only the second one we've done since we took ownership of Accent Bridal & Tux. As we take some time to reflect on how blessed we are, we want to express our sincerest thanks to all of the local schools who helped make this year's Prom season such a wonderful time. When you choose to shop local for your Tuxedo or dress, instead of going to a corporately owned store in the mall, or buying online, you're helping local families and strengthening local neighborhoods. So thank you to all of these schools - and here's hoping we can serve you for many more years to come!

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